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If you are interested in this application, please contact us.
SeePT puts the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)® codes at your fingertips, specifically curated for use in ophthalmology.
With SeePT, you’ll never have to hunt down and flip through a 30-pound book or go hunting for a coding reference page again... nor will you scratch your head wondering which 'magic word' is in the code's name.
Upon download, you get a free trial of SeePT. After the trial, a one-time purchase of the CPT® ophthalmology codes is $24.99. Once this codeset is purchased, a $49.99/year subscription will provide enhanced features.
With the subscription, you will have access to the most searchable, complete, current CPT® resource at your fingertips. With flexible search that speaks your language, a deep understanding of the codes, customizable code notes which are integrated into your search, and more. This is the resource you wish your EMR provided.
Included in your one-time purchase of the 2021 CPT® ophthalmology code set ($24.99):
• Codes curated for ophthalmology
• Browse codes by body system, part of the eye
Included in your subscription ($49.99/year): *requires purchase of the code set
• Deep code analysis allows easy handling of physician-friendly search terms
• Add your own custom notes to any code which will appear seamlessly within search results
• Medical acronyms and synonyms are cross-referenced to let you search using the terms you are familiar with; e.g. “CEIOL" to “BMRc”
• Search term flexibility understands that, for example, ‘puncta' matches ‘punctal’
• Favorites list allows quick access to your most common codes, with group organization
The current 2021 CPT® codes are licensed from the American Medical Association. The app also draws wRVU and global periods from data files available at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
SeePT is a product of a partnership between Regular Rate and Rhythm Software, LLC (by Evan Schoenberg, MD) and See Vision, LLC.
Click here to see other apps by Evan Schoenberg and Regular Rate and Rhythm Software, LLC.
